ON ANY GIVEN SUNDAY.... "Do this in memory of Me"
A Meditative Breakfast Conference for Men
St. Patrick Catholic Church, Moreno Valley, CA
Saturday, Oct. 27, 2007, 8:am to 1:00 pm
Do you attend Mass or do you participate in it?
Do you listen when someone else is speaking or do you read?
Do you know why we stand for Communion?
Do you know why we kneel for some parts?
Where does the Mass come from?
What is the most important part of the Mass?
What is the Canon of the Mass?
Do you understand what happens during each part of the Mass?
Wouldn't you like to learn about it?
And wouldn't you want to share what you learn with your family?
ON ANY GIVEN SUNDAY...... Do this in memory of me
The St. Patrick Covenant Keepers (Men's Group) is sponsoring a breakfast conference that will explore and explain the different parts of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. At this conference, Paul Dion, STL, Theology editor of ParishWorld.net, will help us understand the mysteries of the Mass, why we do things the way we do and what it all means.
A Meditative Breakfast Conference for Men
St. Patrick Catholic Church, Moreno Valley, CA
Saturday, Oct. 27, 2007, 8:am to 1:00 pm
Do you attend Mass or do you participate in it?
Do you listen when someone else is speaking or do you read?
Do you know why we stand for Communion?
Do you know why we kneel for some parts?
Where does the Mass come from?
What is the most important part of the Mass?
What is the Canon of the Mass?
Do you understand what happens during each part of the Mass?
Wouldn't you like to learn about it?
And wouldn't you want to share what you learn with your family?
ON ANY GIVEN SUNDAY...... Do this in memory of me
The St. Patrick Covenant Keepers (Men's Group) is sponsoring a breakfast conference that will explore and explain the different parts of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. At this conference, Paul Dion, STL, Theology editor of ParishWorld.net, will help us understand the mysteries of the Mass, why we do things the way we do and what it all means.
All men - husbands, sons, grandfathers, friends - are encouraged to attend this conference. Learn more about the Holy Mass. Get a better understanding of the procedures, the ceremonies, and the mystery of the love of Jesus that we receive every Sunday during Mass.
This event will be held on October 27, 2007 at the St. Patrick Ministry Center from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. Breakfast and a free t-shirt are included in the conference fee.
Fr. Jose Nacu will celebrate Mass at 12 noon to end this wonderful meditative conference.
Please come and join us. It is our job as men and heads of our family to build the faith base of our loved ones. This conference will be a great help. It's a wonderful first step to building a strong Christian family in our own homes.
It starts with us men. And it happens ON ANY GIVEN SUNDAY .......
Pre-register by:
October 21 $12.00
Walk-in registration: October 27 $15.
Price includes the conference, breakfast and t-shirt.
Ed Vasquez, (951) 656-0217, brotheredy2k@yahoo.com
Ernie Lara, (951) 924-4135, lara057@msn.com