ON ANY GIVEN SUNDAY.... "Do this in memory of Me"
A Meditative Breakfast Conference for Men
St. Patrick Catholic Church, Moreno Valley, CA
Saturday, Oct. 27, 2007, 8:am to 1:00 pm
Do you attend Mass or do you participate in it?
Do you listen when someone else is speaking or do you read?
Do you know why we stand for Communion?
Do you know why we kneel for some parts?
Where does the Mass come from?
What is the most important part of the Mass?
What is the Canon of the Mass?
Do you understand what happens during each part of the Mass?
Wouldn't you like to learn about it?
And wouldn't you want to share what you learn with your family?
ON ANY GIVEN SUNDAY...... Do this in memory of me
The St. Patrick Covenant Keepers (Men's Group) is sponsoring a breakfast conference that will explore and explain the different parts of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. At this conference, Paul Dion, STL, Theology editor of ParishWorld.net, will help us understand the mysteries of the Mass, why we do things the way we do and what it all means.
A Meditative Breakfast Conference for Men
St. Patrick Catholic Church, Moreno Valley, CA
Saturday, Oct. 27, 2007, 8:am to 1:00 pm
Do you attend Mass or do you participate in it?
Do you listen when someone else is speaking or do you read?
Do you know why we stand for Communion?
Do you know why we kneel for some parts?
Where does the Mass come from?
What is the most important part of the Mass?
What is the Canon of the Mass?
Do you understand what happens during each part of the Mass?
Wouldn't you like to learn about it?
And wouldn't you want to share what you learn with your family?
ON ANY GIVEN SUNDAY...... Do this in memory of me
The St. Patrick Covenant Keepers (Men's Group) is sponsoring a breakfast conference that will explore and explain the different parts of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. At this conference, Paul Dion, STL, Theology editor of ParishWorld.net, will help us understand the mysteries of the Mass, why we do things the way we do and what it all means.
All men - husbands, sons, grandfathers, friends - are encouraged to attend this conference. Learn more about the Holy Mass. Get a better understanding of the procedures, the ceremonies, and the mystery of the love of Jesus that we receive every Sunday during Mass.
This event will be held on October 27, 2007 at the St. Patrick Ministry Center from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. Breakfast and a free t-shirt are included in the conference fee.
Fr. Jose Nacu will celebrate Mass at 12 noon to end this wonderful meditative conference.
Please come and join us. It is our job as men and heads of our family to build the faith base of our loved ones. This conference will be a great help. It's a wonderful first step to building a strong Christian family in our own homes.
It starts with us men. And it happens ON ANY GIVEN SUNDAY .......
Pre-register by:
October 21 $12.00
Walk-in registration: October 27 $15.
Price includes the conference, breakfast and t-shirt.
Ed Vasquez, (951) 656-0217, brotheredy2k@yahoo.com
Ernie Lara, (951) 924-4135, lara057@msn.com
Wednesday, July 16, 2008 Covenant Keepers Mens Meeting Recap:
Jose's Restaurant on Sunnymead Boulevard hosted the location for our meeting on this night with a warm and sociable enviroment; warm enough for some serious prayer for all those in need. Those remembered in prayer were Father Jose, who is currently faced with some health challenges. We will be making arrangements to converge on Father Jose's residence in the upcoming weeks for some prayer with Spiritual Catholic Structural Integrity. We also prayed for those, known and unknown to us, in economic need and for those challenged with both economic and health needs.
We discussed the 5 Precepts of the Church; their pillar meanings in spiritual structural integrity, whereby we men are called upon by Our Father to stand up and be men for his ways; to become beacons of example and in serving at Masses; both in person and in economic contributions towards the growth of Our Church. From serving as Ushers at Masses to serving hot dogs and hamburgers at Parish functions, we can all help in sustaining Our Church in these rough economic times.
We discussed Tom Balboa's voice of passion for Christ and for His Church; Balboa's serving in an effort to encourage us all to carry out his ministry and share it with others in need. We will never, ever forget you Tom, as you are with us ALWAYS. As many know, Tom Balboa's inspirational lectures are available on CD and on tape, along with all his entire educational library of Catholic Ministry. For more information on obtaining these incredible tools towards spiritual growth, please contact our Men's Group Leader, Ed Vasquez or Ernie Lara for more information.
We discussed planning a Men's Parish Conference at Big Bear before the summer is over, where we will likely have at least one keynote speaker, along with some of our own testimonies of Faith in Christ. It will be a somewhat casual conference, with my passion for cooking out over a grill at the Mountain Top, with some camping-style over-night accomadations; so, bring your sleeping bags and ice chests after you pack God's Word along for the trip. I'll take care of the food and drink. I could just use some help with the prayers.
We men of St. Patrick's Covenant Keepers believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life, the Father and Son, Jesus Christ, who lives in Range of us all, reaching out to us daily; all day and all night long.
Please join us at our next meeting of Wednesday, July 30, 2008 at 6:30p.m. inside the St. Pat's House on The Hill.
A few weekends ago, I was running and speed walking my 9-mile run up a 9000 foot mountain in Colorado and God gave me these words to share with you.
Today's quote:
"Exposure is God's Light Switch and we are merely his instruments to turn it on."
Welcome to Covenant Keepers my Brothers.
John Rupert
Good post.
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